hello to the New chapter!

Photo from Unsplash

The clock strikes 7 in the morning, now I am humming some lullaby just to get by as the sun gets to shine its morning light. She had fallen asleep in my chest, so I carefully put her down on her bed. It’s my little munchkin’s first nap of the day, and here I am writing down this very first entry of the blog.

Almost going through the first year of postpartum and I find myself writing again. For some reason I keep going back to the place where I can breathe as safely as I can. And writing is my safe place.

Postpartum has a lot of demands nobody has ever told me about. Because when you are going to be a mom all you think about is nesting, and all the other people tell and what you can read on and offline is about how to take good care of your little world that is about to pop, but none about the depth of postpartum except for PPD. Postpartum is more than the PPD, everything in yourself and life adjusts. With ‘everything’ I literally mean ‘all’. Holistically, it demands you. You have to recover your physical health, all at the same time balancing your mental and emotional health despite the hormones fluctuating in your body. Also keeping up your relationship with your spouse while getting to know your baby at the same time. Taking good care of the baby and your household, the finances and other stuff. And please not forget your spiritual health too! No one said it until I myself experienced it firsthand.

However, don’t get me wrong postpartum might have overwhelming demands but it’s—may sound cliche—all worth it! No matter how hard this phase could be, every momma that I know who went with it gets stronger along the way. Okay, now why am I explaining this? Just to give a hint of an idea for those who don’t know yet. But to those who have been there, I want to give you a pat on your back and say you did well!

The responsibilities that accompany growing a family are sometimes suffocating if we are not careful. There’s so many things to juggle at the same time. Thus, one time I told my husband that I want to go back writing again so I can breathe and make it my little self care even just for a bit in one whole day. And that’s why I found myself writing a blog yet again. But now with more personal reasons than before. And I hope and pray that my future entries about my experiences through these changing seasons will resonate with someone else who might be going through something similar. Hoping that it would bring people an inspiration or even just a place to breathe knowing that they’re not alone in this kind of journey.

To navigate from seasons to seasons of life is one rollercoaster ride, but what I learned is that there’s never only me in the ride. The perspective and memories might be different, but never alone. Someone is experiencing the same thing. Someone is burdened by the same thing. Someone went through it and succeeded, so you can be as well. Again, never alone.

To navigate from seasons to seasons of life is one rollercoaster ride, but what I learned is that there’s never only me in the ride.

Going back to postpartum, it is one lonely phase at times but never alone. I appreciate that I have my husband to be with me as we raise the new member of our little family. I appreciate a few momma friends whom I can turn to whenever I need something from someone who has been there before. I appreciate that my mother helps me as I recover physically in the first few months. And I appreciate how God helped me and my family to get through this transition.

Becoming a mother gives birth not only to a child but to a new life for me as well. A new me was born as well. This is one calling that women are privileged to experience at one point in their life. The calling of motherhood is one great blessing to receive. Planned or unplanned, however it may seem, it is an honor to be a vessel and give birth to a new life. We are made to bring life.

Becoming a mother gives birth not only to a child but to a new life for me as well. A new me was born as well.

And I am so honored to be a mom, I am grateful that God called me to do so. I am most grateful for the family He let us keep building with my husband. It opened my eyes to a whole new world. It grows my heart and fills my love tank even more. I am grateful for this family, this is the life we have made. With that said, I have to end it here just before my little one wakes up from her nap. And this is one of the realities now, I only have time for myself when the baby is asleep haha. It is what it is, for now. But I love her so much.

So, hope to see you again here!

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