moving to the New season

Photo from Unsplash

The journey towards the next season of life is usually filled with either excitement or fear. There’s this agony of waiting until your feet is on the doorstep of the next plot. And we do experience this from time to time as we navigate in life. From singlehood to finding a spouse, from schooling to finding a day job, from living in a city to living a quiet life in the countryside, and so on. We live with what’s next in our mind. With this, I pen down these few words hoping that it could help you handle your transitions in life with grace.

Three ways to handle with grace your transition to new season:

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with your situation. I’m going in for this or oh this is happening already. Don’t rub off yourself by being in denial. Stop denying, it would just hinder you from experiencing the beauty of the journey you have now. Just be honest. Honesty is the vulnerability you need to open your heart for acceptance. And acceptance is the key upon entering what’s next.

Expect and be prepared. Be expectant to what’s coming ahead and at the same time prepare yourself as much as you can. Whether you’re coming from singlehood and now taking on a new relationship, or being married for quite sometime and now got pregnant and becoming a parent soon; however your next season looks like have an expectant outlook for what the next chapter is bringing up to your table. Try to evaluate but don’t over analyze. Create your vision boards, or write your goals about that next big thing in your life. Lay it down, just like how it is instructed in Habakkuk 2And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Lay down your heart to God as you enter the doors to next season. Show Him your thoughts and fears, just be real, no matter what He still knows what’s in your mind and heart. So let Him just see you for what’s real.

Try to evaluate but don’t over analyze.

Then, be prepared. Make time for yourself to be prepared. Give space for preparation. Why is this necessary? Because there’s nothing more could be helpful than being prepared at least even for a bit. It’s conditioning yourself to what’s coming next. Thus, try to research or ask for tips and advice from people who have been there before. Seek for wise counsel as they say it. You may not be able to bring all the words of wisdom in your bag onto the next trip, but at least it will give your mind and heart the right perspective it needs to handle the next page.
Yes sometimes, the next page comes without prior notice and you just found yourself already in there. Well, it is His time for you! Be of courage that He is there to back you up in this phase. He came prepared for you. He will never leave you hanging in this situation, all you need is to put your trust in Him.

You may not be able to bring all the words of wisdom in your bag onto the next trip, but at least it will give your mind and heart the right perspective it needs to handle the next page.

Have faith in the One who is in control, and give grace to yourself. Let go of trying to control and let God do what he has prepared for your life right now. Easy to say, yes, hard to do in real life. But as you get to know God in your life you will eventually know by heart the reality of these words—trust the One who is in control. And be comforted from the fact that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Whatever season of life you are heading with please know that you don’t have to be perfect in traversing this journey, you just have to be you— your growing you. Give yourself grace in the process. Your mistakes are still but an essential block in building the progress. He is qualifying you along the way to the next part of your life story.

Give yourself grace in the process.

These are but a few thoughts, hoping that you will be reminded whenever you need encouragement as you go through these new seasons ahead. I pray that you will always find God in the midst of every journey you will have!

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