welcome to Mommahood!

Photo from Unsplash

What you are about to read here are a few snapshots of entering motherhood from my own experience. And if you are here because you are about to enter the same season, I hope you’ll find these things interesting too! Or if you are here trying to look on what it is like, feel free to do so it may help you one way or another someday when you are about to embrace this season called motherhood too!

7 things I find amusing as I entered motherhood:

Conceiving is only in God’s hands. After we get married of course it occurs to us that we will eventually grow our family. We took it in our prayer time, and asked God for a child. The first two years were an adventure of asking and disappointments. We did nothing to prevent getting pregnant around that time, but we were greeted by my period every month. We ask to be blessed, but every time we get disappointed by a monthly period, meaning there’s nothing yet. But when we decided to just enjoy being a couple first, and accept that everything has perfect timing, then we found ourselves becoming parents. Around our second anniversary when God answered our prayers! It’s only through Him that we are blessed. It’s only by His grace that we are given.

Faith over fear. And when we knew we were already pregnant, fear came creeping. All the what ifs in life have entered the room. I am also anxious if this pregnancy will go further. They want you to treat the first trimester as carefully as possible because there’s a higher chance of miscarriage. There’s still a probability of getting our l hearts broken after conceiving. And there goes the fear creeping into our hearts. However, no matter how unpredictable pregnancy could be, God’s direction is still greater than any of it. His voice eventually comforts us to have faith. During our first OB appointment, there’s God comforting us to have faith. So at around 6 or 7 weeks we announced our pregnancy, in faith that this journey is already in His hands.

no matter how unpredictable pregnancy could be, God’s direction is still greater than any of it. His voice eventually comforts us to have faith.

Woman’s body is made to birth. Along the 9 months of carrying our first child, I was so amazed how my body had carried through. Woman’s body is indeed a vessel of life. Another life is growing inside me and it’s just so wonderful even I cannot see it for the meantime, and we have to wait 9 months till we see each other.  Every milestone when my baby was still inside me was unexplainably amusing, and so was how my body was catering these milestones. And when the 9th month was here, I understood how strong this body was and was specifically made for birthing a child. Giving birth was a tough experience but a fulfilling one. Your body endures so much pain all the while pushing forth this little new life. It’s also I could say a life and death situation, because you have no total control of how your birth will go through. But there’s always an assurance that God is with you along the way. Seeing and finally being able to hold your child for the first time is the most incredible experience to have! Oh this is love!

Woman’s body is indeed a vessel of life.

Postpartum is harder in reality.  This is only my opinion, that postpartum is much harder than giving birth. Because at this time you have to take care of your little one as your child adjusts in this environment all at the same time you have to recover your overall health. You’ll now have to be a mother to a child, a wife to your spouse all at the same time being self to yourself. There’s so many things going on and yet you are also adjusting to a new self of yours. There’s so many triggers for Postpartum Anxiety, Depression and Rage. Yet only a little understanding is given about it. You are trying to communicate these new feelings yet not everyone is able to also understand. The experience is all new, yet you are tasked with new big responsibilities. These are some reasons why it is harder. But no matter how hard it could be, every momma gets stronger than before. The hardships make you stronger.

That one thing called Mother’s Instinct. I never thought that my gut could be so reliable and be so loud when I became a mom. And there’s only two things that it always is telling, what’s best and how to protect. As a first time mom, I always doubted my instinct. But then in time I realized how my instincts were far more reliable for my child than anybody else’s voice. Not that there’s no wisdom from other people, what I am saying is that you have a better understanding of your child. As they say, you are perfectly enough for your child. God made you to be the mother of your child.

you are perfectly enough for your child

Mom brain is real. This is soooo real that I forget what I am writing now! Haha. Kidding aside, indeed, mom brain is so real. I don’t really know the science behind this but the experiences taught me to really take note or use an alarm clock for me to be reminded of things or else I won’t remember until the next few days haha.

Cutting newborn’s nails haha. This happens to be the most untold one. But until you are holding your newborn’s little hands trying to cut their soft tiny nails, you’ll never know how scary it is! My first time doing this? Oh boy, sweat-blood-and-tears. Forget the blood, there’s no blood luckily. Only sweating all over me and tears of how this could be so hard! However, as babies grow it tends to be a lot easier or a little practice from then on makes you a master, haha!

And there you have it, just a few of the many things motherhood has let me see and realize. I’d like to hear your thoughts too, please comment or DM us on our IG! Sharing stories about one another is one of a great help as well when I am navigating the first few months of being a mother. I owe some to a few momma friends who have opened their hearts and comforted me with their own stories in the same season. I hope as I share more here in this blog, you will find comfort too knowing that someone has been there too!

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