when you Feel like quitting

Photo from Unsplash

Things are wonderful and hopeful until you have repeated these words to yourself a hundredth times with more and more conviction trying to convince yourself that the situation is still as wonderful and hopeful as before. When in reality, it is not anymore. The more you convince yourself the more it becomes hopeless. You become hopeless.

But the thing is, you are wondering if sticking out till you see the brighter side  is on the bargain still. That if you would allow yourself to stay longer, the success is just a few steps away. That if you would keep it together for one more time, you might find yourself on the wedding aisle soon. That if you keep doing more, promotion is just a few months away! It could be but not always. You see at times, keeping it together as long as you can doesn’t help you grow. Sometimes it is keeping you stagnant. Being optimistic is great but not all the time. Other times you have to be as honest as you can about your situation so you can make the better decisions. If you are no longer making the progress or growth in where you at now, please do yourself a favor and make a decision. Quit, if you must.

You see at times, keeping it together as long as you can doesn’t help you grow. Sometimes it is keeping you stagnant.

It might be scary, and I don’t blame you if you are holding on as long as you can because you fear more of what ifs than staying stuck in your situation. Fear is inevitable. But it doesn’t have to hold you back forever. The right answer is always there, you only have to decide and make that move. And every so often quitting is not the enemy, other times it is the right answer. And, it gets you out of the loop.  You might just bump into the best days of your life. Well that’s just one possibility. Or, it might bring you a more challenging side too. When you decide to flip the page, just be ready to get either one, better or worse. But atleast it gets you again the starting line for a whole new possibilities in life. And you are just one decision away.

The right answer is always there, you only have to decide and make that move. And every so often quitting is not the enemy, other times it is the right answer.

Yes or no.
Stay or go.
Hold on or quit.

Whatever you choose know that it’s going to make an impact on your life. Sometimes it’s not the ‘Yes’ that matters, but every ‘No’ that comes along the way and builds you up to who you are now. Sometimes to ‘stay’ could be stable for now, but to ‘go’ could give you peace in the journey ahead. Sometimes ‘holding on’ could be heroic but ‘quitting’ is making way for new.

When you feel like quitting, the action you’ll be making will always have consequences. Good or bad. It’s there. Best or worst, God is there. He sees you and will be there for you no matter what. Whether you believe in Him or not. Whether your faith is as little as a seed of the mustard. He is there for you. And can move mountains for you. 

If ever you need to quit, quit for the right thing.

PS. Stop holding on to the nets of fish, those might be the visible catch that could solve your situation. But lo and behold, the calling is louder. So go and follow. His voice is the light for your path. God is the best answer to your situation.

PSS. I hope and pray that you will find comfort and courage at the same time to trust in His voice, in the calling He is asking you to follow.

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