to the First of everything, our firstborn

Photo from Unsplash

The memories come flashing back from two red lines to seeing you for the first time. From all the getting to know of your little cues to witnessing every milestone growth you reached. From all the sleepless nights figuring out what you need as you cry, to being expert in your sleep and nap schedules. I learn to follow my instinct in taking care of you while you learn that I’m a different person from you, that I’m your mother and you are our baby.

Our baby, our firstborn. You have been the first of our everything. First to hear another heartbeat inside me. First to experience kicks inside my tummy. First to see photographs of you in ultrasound. First to hear your cry on that day I pushed so hard. First to see your beautiful eyes and feel your warmth after hours of labor. First to ever hold you in my arms. I remember it all vividly like it was yesterday. Your first smile, your first laugh. The time you first touch my face when I am breastfeeding you, oh I could cry. The time you make little coos, oh what lovely sounds. The nights you cried hard, and I couldn’t tell why. The time you had your first shots. The first time to deal with separation anxiety. The first time you’re able to sit on your own. The time you had your first solids. The first time we became obsessed with your giggles. The every morning light routine. And every bedtime story. The first few steps you had. To every walking practice we have. The first standing on your own. And about to walk on your own too, soon. The first varied facial expressions you have shown. To tiny little quirks we see on you. And those little dances you love to do! What a year of firsts it has been!

Child, you taught us to live a simple and slow life. Life is simple in your eyes, and we learn to see in that perspective. Now I appreciate life as it is. I appreciate the “now” that I have given and the blessings behind it. I learn to trust more and I learn to love more. You are our little one but yet you showed us bigger lessons to learn. You make us your mother and father learn more from each other. And grow more together. Your little wonders make us ponder as well with life. You bringing the slow life to us makes us more grateful for what we have, and that is our little family. I am more than thankful for this season. It may not be perfect at all times but you see we grow together as a family from the mistakes and discover grace every now and then. You became the reason why we finally put behind the past and be present to what matters now. While also looking forward to new dreams in the future. You made us a worrier at times but in a good way. Anxiety gets high in learning to parent you at the first few months but eventually with God’s grace we are thriving now.

Child, you taught us to live a simple and slow life. Life is simple in your eyes, and we learn to see in that perspective. Now I appreciate life as it is. I appreciate the “now” that I have given and the blessings behind it.

I am in awe how a year went by, and how much I wish the time would slow down at times. Because you’re growing so fast my love. But I can’t wait as well on the things God has prepared for you along the way. I believe that you have a future full of hope. And I pray that you will always have a faith that can move mountains. May your words and actions be a blessing to the people around you. And may you have a heart filled with love.

You are our little one but yet you showed us bigger lessons to learn.

It’s still sinking in that you are a year bigger now. Celebrating you now makes my heart flutter on those prayers that we asked God before. All those words we uttered. All those times of waiting before He answers. The heartbreak and the hopes. Now we have you. You are His evidence of grace and love. You are our very reminder that God answers prayers. We love you so much. Thank you for making us parents. Thank you for being our firstborn!

I am more than thankful for this season. It may not be perfect at all times but you see we grow together as a family from the mistakes and discover grace every now and then.

Celebrating you now makes my heart flutter on those prayers that we asked God before. All those words we uttered. All those times of waiting before He answers. The heartbreak and the hopes. Now we have you. You are His evidence of grace and love. You are our very reminder that God answers prayers.

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