three important Things i learned as first time mom

Photo from Unsplash

This month is a celebration of my first year postpartum, which also means we celebrated our baby turning one. And yes the days have gone that fast, it’s been a year since I’ve gone through labor and delivery of a beautiful child. The birth of my child has birthed a new me too! As a first time mom, I have a lot of learnings but for this blog I’d like to share the three important things I learned on this 365 days around the sun with our first child.

First, trusting your instinct as a mother. This is one of those that could be easily dismissed on early days of being a mom because you undermine your capabilities as someone who could take care of a baby. You doubt yourself because you don’t have a lot of knowledge about newborn care. You are overwhelmed about many things including your own recovery. You are juggling up hats of being a wife and a mother all at the same time. But hey, just a little reminder if you will—you and your child are the ones most connected at this point of time. Instinctively you have the keys to your child’s needs. You might not have the entire knowledge about taking care of babies but your heart will know and can do whatever it takes to take care of your own baby. It’s innate in you. Your instinct to love and protect is the most natural thing that could speak from you at this time. Your body’s warmth is the most familiar environment for your child. So please, don’t underestimate yourself in this season. You are more capable than you ever think. Trust your instincts momma!

you and your child are the ones most connected at this point of time

Next, trust your child, eventually they can. What I mean is eventually your child will grow accordingly and you don’t have to pressure them or yourself in their own milestones. Unless you are feeling something isn’t right, there’s no harm in talking to your trusted pediatrician about it. Until then you can put your trust that your baby is growing right with your help, duly giving their needs and providing an environment where they can really grow holistically. You can train or practice according to what the baby book or applications says but don’t go over indulge in it, remember that your baby is unique and has their own phase. After some time you will become familiar with her cues as you get to know each other more. Things will become more specific as you get acquainted with your child’s development. Eventually, your baby can do—whatever milestone it could be—it!

Your body’s warmth is the most familiar environment for your child

Lastly, trust God, He is with you along the way, and this is the most important of them all. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, as it says in the bible. And there’s nowhere it could be so real than this point of time, in motherhood. From giving birth to postpartum, only by His grace you’ll be able to thrive in it. Only by the strength and wisdom He gives, you’ll be able to manage this. It’s very exhausting and overwhelming yet knowing that God is with you all along it’s so assuring that things will go well. By ‘go well’ I don’t mean ‘perfect’ but ‘well’ according to His grace and love. Through highs and lows of this so-called parenthood you will be sustained. God placed you on this season for a purpose!

Hence, these three are for me the most important things about motherhood that I learned as a first timer. These are not always discussed. That’s why I want to write it down thinking maybe some first timers needed them. And I hope that it could really comfort every first time mommas.

After some time you will become familiar with her cues as you get to know each other more. Things will become more specific as you get acquainted with your child’s development.

PS. Trust your spouse too! Trust that they are with you in this journey of mommahood. And that they are growing too as husband and father. It could be overwhelming to them as well, so let’s give them grace and be grateful for their patience too.  This is not the time to be enemies. Although sometimes the situation could bring out the worst in both of you. I hope that you will still continue to hold each other’s hands at the end of the day. You are partners for a reason. You’re family.

Through highs and lows of this so-called parenthood you will be sustained. God placed you on this season for a purpose!

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