7 affirmations for mothers Who have experienced pregnancy loss

Losing a pregnancy is an experience that brings profound sadness and a unique kind of grief. It’s a time when encouragement and understanding are needed most. Here are 7 affirmations designed to offer comfort and encouragement to moms navigating through this difficult time. These words seek to soothe your heart, remind you of your strength, and help you find moments of peace amidst the pain.

Below are 7 affirmations crafted to comfort you during this tough times:

i give myself permission to grieve in my own way, knowing that my feelings are valid and important.”

i honor my body for all that it has endured, recognizing its strength and resilience.”

“i allow myself to heal at my own pace, understanding that there is no timeline for grief.”

“i am a mother, regardless of how my journey has unfolded.”

“i give myself space to reflect and remember, knowing that my baby’s legacy is love.”

“i embrace the journey of healing, understanding that it is both personal and unique.”

“i acknowledge my pain and allow myself to feel it, knowing that through feeling, healing begins.”

May these affirmations serve as gentle reminders of your strength, your worth, and the unbreakable bond of love that endures. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and it’s okay to seek help, to share your story, and to allow yourself to heal in your own time and way.

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