hello momma! | a mini Journal

Welcoming a new life into the world is an extraordinary journey, and at Life We Have Made, we understand the significance of every moment during pregnancy. We’re thrilled to introduce our first digital product from our mini journal series, “hello momma!”—a mini journal designed to accompany expecting mothers through a week of thoughtful reflection. This special journal is crafted to provide a sanctuary where pregnant women can capture their emotions, dreams, and experiences as they prepare to meet their little one. Each day offers a unique prompt that encourages introspection and connection with the growing life within.

hello momma!” is more than just a journal; it’s a cherished companion for the beautiful, albeit sometimes overwhelming, journey of pregnancy. Our carefully curated prompts are designed to help expecting mothers focus on self-care, gratitude, and the profound transformation they’re undergoing. From celebrating the little milestones to acknowledging the challenges, this mini journal gently guides mothers-to-be through seven days of meaningful reflection. Whether it’s a quiet morning with a cup of tea or a serene evening before bed, this journal provides a moment of calm and connection amidst the hustle and bustle of preparing for a new arrival.

At Life We Have Made, we believe in the power of words and the importance of self-expression, especially during such a transformative period. “hello momma!” is a testament to our commitment to supporting women as they navigate the incredible journey of motherhood. We hope this journal becomes a treasured keepsake, a beautiful reminder of the strength, love, and anticipation that define the path to welcoming a new life. We invite all expecting mothers to embrace this opportunity to reflect, to dream, and to connect with their inner selves and their unborn child through the gentle guidance of our mini journal “hello momma!”

PS. A bonus page at the end of the journal is included. Guess what the bonus page is about? Some helpful tips as pregnant momma prepares for childbirth! So what are you waiting for, download your copy below!

download your free copy below

How to Use This Mini Journal?

• Download the mini journal for free to get a soft copy.
• Access the PDF file with Microsoft Office or any PDF reader app on your device.
• View the journal on your device and jot down your thoughts from the prompts in a notebook.
• Alternatively, print a hard copy to journal with pen and paper.

Additional Tips for Making the Most of Your Mini Journal:

• Set aside dedicated time each day to reflect on the prompts in the journal.
• Create a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus on your thoughts without distractions.
• Use the journal as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth by being honest and vulnerable in your responses.
• Consider revisiting your entries periodically to track your progress and see how your thoughts and feelings evolve over time.
• Experiment with different journaling techniques, such as mind mapping or free writing, to keep your reflections fresh and engaging.
• Don’t be afraid to explore challenging topics or emotions in your journal – it can lead to valuable insights and catharsis.
• Share your journaling experience with a trusted friend or therapist for additional support and perspective.
• Remember that there are no right or wrong answers in journaling; it’s a personal journey of self-exploration and expression.

Follow us on Instagram @lifewehavemade  or subscribe to our mailing list at our website lifewehavemade.com and let’s navigate this changing seasons together!

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