shout out to the Old me

Captured by GDT

shout out to the old me and everything you showed me, glad you didn’t listen when the world was trying to slow me”…if you’re a 5SOS fan (which indeed I am haha) you know for sure these lines. These lines have been on my mind lately, especially as I celebrated my first postpartum year and entered my 30s at the same time. And I guess as nostalgic as it can be, my mind went through the memory lane of how the 20s have been for me, the old me.

20s was the version of me that went through a lot of transitions from graduating of college, building my portfolio, entering professional work, building friendships,  then becoming a friend to a heartbreak boy then me becoming a heartbreak girl as well, dating, finding the one then getting into a relationship, getting engaged in my best yes, then getting married and becoming a wife, being pregnant then birthing our first child, to having the whirlwind of postpartum and raising a little human being— yes, all of them happened during my twenties and so it has been a new season upon new season, a  cycle of starts and ends in just a decade of time. Too many transitions but hey I am surviving and thriving!

Being thankful to that old me despite the imperfections of that journey still brought me to the better version of me, to the place where I fit— to my present.

And that song ‘Old Me’ has just reminded me of every bit of it, while looking at it from a different perspective. The side of growth. Celebrating my personal growth throughout those years. Being thankful to that old me despite the imperfections of that journey still brought me to the better version of me, to the place where I fit— to my present. I never have thanked myself like this before. I never thought of it until now.

to the old me,

I just want to say thank you for holding on and never giving up. Thank you for navigating those times with courage and hope despite all the challenges and heartbreaks. Thank you for learning to trust again despite the hurts you’ve had from the people around you. Thank you for believing in love still. I know you have had battles along the way, many scars after yet you never wavered.

Thank you for still believing in your future and not backing out. I know regrets may have been creeping in your thoughts a lot of time yet thank you because you continued running the path towards the things that are meant and called for you. You may have doubted yourself many times because of the loud voices outside, yet you still chose to reach for your dreams and trust that it’s already in God’s hands. Thank you for leaning on to God with every new season that you have to enter. Thank you for showing up in good and even with the bad times.

You have grown so much from the girl back then. I have not  given you much credit to the things you have gone through and hey you deserve a pat on the back. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for giving your best in your 20s. To that old me that somehow I miss, and now I’m most grateful of, cheers!


new me

Now we are off to a new era again, self. May the 30s be as beautiful as it can be for new dreams, for raising this family, for greater things that God has in store for us. Another decade to conquer and thrive!

Thank you for believing in love still. I know you have had battles along the way, many scars after yet you never wavered.

PS.    Thank you 5SOS for making this song. You never know how much it creates an impact on someone’s life, like it did on mine. Thank you for not giving up on music and letting us (your fans) have a piece of great music and memories instilled in it. Thank you for being there throughout my 20s !     PSS. Please, don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’ !

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